
Cardiac arrhythmia is a condition that causes the heart to beat irregularly. These arrhythmias can be harmless or life-threatening and affect the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. Traditionally, cardiologists have had to rely on hearsay from their patients to understand the exact symptoms, sometimes leading to misdiagnosis. Zio was launched in 2011 in response to this gap, providing one of the first cardiovascular wearable devices on the market. A native app solution was needed to enhance the patient’s experience while providing better data accuracy.


  • Digital strategy
  • UX design
  • Visual design


  • Patient app
  • Design system
  • Built on iOS


The Zio app needed to cater to an older audience, so larger typography and explicit affordance for critical interactions were leveraged throughout. The core functionality had to be incredibly easy to use, considering patients might be in pain, confused, or dizzy while inputting their data.

iRythmn Zio iOS App

The wearable device was attached to a patient’s chest for 14 days, collecting critical heart data that was eventually combined with the data entered in the app once the wearable was sent back to the care team.

iRythmn Wearable Device iRythmn Patient Experience

The initial onboarding process was effortless, allowing patients to register in just a few taps. For return uses, a patient just had to enter their 4-digit passcode.

iRythmn Zio iOS App

After a patient logs in, a dashboard provided an overview of the number of logs they have entered to date and the days remaining until they can remove the patch. The interaction paradigm was designed around simple taps or swipe gestures so patients could quickly enter event information.

iRythmn Zio iOS App
iRythmn Zio iOS App

After an event was entered, patients could pair the application with their wearable device, making the data accessible to their care team for analysis once the device had been sent in.

iRythmn Zio iOS App